by Kafay Mimauza 

As a founder of Khadeeja Class, yang mana leadernya masih belum optimal keilmuannya to handle a community. Paham banget kok, kenapa magnet itu belum juga dirasain punya daya tarik khusus yang bikin mereka more excited to welcome us. 

Why? Always disadari banget kok, tingkat konsistensi dan jam terbang masih under 10.000 jam itu masih sering dipandang sebelah mata. 

Apalagi heningnya akun yang entah berdebu gak pernah dirawat pula jadi big why the reason they still don't know who am i. So tragic, there was so many years trying to in to social media. But, actually nothing. 

Jujurly, this is a big problem you not yet to deserve it. In a reality, you waste so many time for only watching drakor atau kerempongan lain yang gak produktif. Don't tell me your family, that your choises for handle it. 

But, when you use a blamming for excuse your responbility. That a bad attitude and not a proffesional people. Don't be like that, smart woman. 

Lastly, for my good friends and partner at Khadeeja so thankfull to all of you and giving your trust to me. Then now, who will fight together here? 

Berjuang bertumbuh dan belajar tanpa kenal lelah dsn stop di tengah jalan 💗

Let's start with basmallah semoga gak lagi mati suri seperti kuburan hehe 🤭

#kelasbtr #happysellinghappy ending


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